எலியா - தெளிவான வேத பாடம் - 1 - 8 பகுதிகள் - சேனைகளின் கர்த்தரின் ஊழியக்காரன் Elijah – The Man of God and His Ministries - A Man Just Like us - Parts 1 - 8 - Rev. Dr. Suresh Ramachandran
இனிக்கும் இலங்கை தமிழில் - எல்லாரும் எளிதில் புரிந்துகொள்ளும் படியான செய்தி
In the sweet and classic Ceylon Tamil language – Everyone can easily understand Pastor's message. It is a gift of God to him. Let us remember our beloved pastor’s family and his ministries in our everyday prayers. May God use him mightily for His Kingdom according to His master plan. It is absolutely rare to find pure and sound doctrine in the present age that we live in. As we see in 2Corinthians11:4, different Jesus, different Holy spirit, and different Gospels are being preached everywhere by the modern preachers, and the same is accepted by the majority of the people. It is pathetic. The blessedness of our life here on earth and in eternity entirely depends upon the first two verses of Psalm 1. However we Christians do not do according to those scriptures, rather we have heaped up preachers, pastors, and evangelists for our itching ears. If we read and meditate Holy Bible, we can have the knowledge to know them by their fruits.
Spiritual vision is to see clearly what God wants us to see the world from His point of view. But this spiritual insight can be easily clouded and entangled by “selfish” desires and sinful attitudes. The Bible says a good eye is one that is fixed upon Jesus (Hebrews 12: 1-2).
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Adapted from Rev. Dr. Suresh Ramachandran’s YouTube Channel
Rev. Dr. Suresh Ramachandran
Mount Carmel Ministries International,
PO Box 81, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 771231420
[email protected]
King of Kings Christ Jesus Vision Inscribed Team