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1 HOUR of THERIAN and QUADROBIST TIKTOKS || 2K subscriber special! || Quadrobics, Therians

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Wow, 2k subscribers. Never ever would have thought I'd get here. 2000 people watch my videos and think: 'huh, I like that', crazy /pos Thank you so much to each and every one of you Ik this is a Therian/Quads comp, and I usually do furry comps, but I wanted to do something a little different It's 1h long and I put alot of effort into editing, considering it's over 1h long, CapCut was NOT working well, but alas, here it is! - Info on Therianthropy: Therianthropy is an involuntary, usually nonphysical, identity as an animal due to animalistic traits. There are many subcategories of therianthropy such as Spiritual- They were an animal in their past life and that has affected them in this life, giving them an animal soul Psychological- Has the mind of an animal While therianthropy itself is nonphysical, physical Therians, do exist Physical Therians are the type of Therian that dislike being called human My mind is of an animal, therefore so is my body. Most Therians experience what is called species dysphoria This is where not being your theriotype/s gives you A LOT of discomfort Things such as "You know you're a human right?", not being able to be your theriotype/s, etc gives species dysphoria This is one of the main reasons a lot of Therians participate in making masks and or practicing quadrobics, Therians may do Quadrobics (the act of performing stunts on all fours) to feel like they are an animal running (NOTE: Not all Therians do Quadrobics for whatever reason, non-therians can also do Quadrobics for whatever reason. It's not a Therian exclusive thing) Making masks and or wearing tails can relieve species dysphoria because you look more like your theriotype/s (NOTE: Anyone can do this as a hobby/for fun, not all Therians wear masks or tails) Some other things that cause species euphoria (the opposite of species dysphoria) include: wearing collars, being a kemonomimi, eating (food that won't make you ill) out of a bowl, being in nature, making animalistic noises, sleeping in the position an animal would, etc.. Sub Labels include: Paleotherian: Therian who has at least one theirotype that is an extinct species (usually dinosaurs) Theriomythic: a Therian who has at least one theirotype that is a creature that isn't real, that feels more animalistic than it does human. (Can also use the label otherkin) - You cannot become a Therian voluntarily, it is developed in early childhood and stays for life. You can however become an otherlink. An otherlink is basically an individual that chooses their Kintype, they identify fully as an animal (the animal/s they chose) but it was chosen. Clinical Lycanthropy is an insanely rare disorder in which an individual believes they can turn into an animal. Physical Therians are NOT Clinical Lycanthropes and only mental professionals can diagnose you with it, do not tell other people they have clinical Lycanthropy for experiencing therianthropy differently. Therianthropy ≠ Zoophilia (Zoophiles can also be Therians, the Therian community despises them though) Therianthropy ≠ Furry (Therians can be Furries) Therianthropy ≠ a mental illness Therianthropy = An identity Shifts- Shifts are where a Therians mind, body or senses feel more like that of an animal, usually their theriotype Shifts are usually temporary, but some Therians have reported feeling constant shifts, most commonly phantom shifts Shifting can be voluntary or involuntary, (Mental shifts can be stopped) Types of shifts include- Phantom shift: Where you feel phantom limbs of a specific animal, for example, feeling animal ears, a tail, a snout, whiskers, fur, paws, teeth, horns, antlers, wings, beaks, etc.. Mental shift: Where your mind becomes almost fully an animal, and you let yourself be yourself Sensory shift: Where your brain focuses more on one specific sense, making it seem like it's better, such as sight, taste, smell, touch, etc.. Perception shift: Where you perceive things more like your theriotype/s. Cameo shift: Any type of shift where the animal is not a known theriotype. See more here (A quote directly from the official wiki states: “from CrystalCollector11: Shifts can sometimes attract anti-furries that are not like me, or cause a medium autistic freakout for me, so be very careful.”) - TAGS: #therian #therianfyp #therianthropy #therians #therianmask #theriantropy #therianpride #theriotype #theriotypes #polytherian #paleotherian #alterhuman #alterhumanity #alterhumans #antizoo #spiritualtherian #psychologicaltherian #diversity #identity #otherhearted #otherkin #fictionkin #theriomythic
