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古琴《大悲咒》1 Hour Serene Guqin Music Calms Your Mind & Soul Relaxing Meditation Melody

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《大悲咒》是观世音菩萨为利乐一切众生而宣说,《大悲心陀罗尼经》说,诵持《大悲咒》可以消除诸难,悲能拔苦, 逢凶化吉,万事顺意。 ❤️感谢收听!关注本频道,每周带给您新音乐!Thanks for listening! Follow me for new music every week! 🌸欢迎来到我的频道,这里为您带来一小时的古琴中国传统音乐,让悠扬的古琴音乐带给您宁静平和。 Welcome to our channel featuring 1 hour of relaxing Guqin Chinese traditional music. Let the soothing sounds of the Guqin transport you to a state of tranquility and inner peace. 💜无论您是想在一天结束后放松身心、冥想,还是仅仅享受宁静的反思时刻,古琴音乐都是完美的伴侣。让古琴悠扬的旋律环绕着您,体验音乐的治愈力量。 请坐下来,放松身心,享受一小时的舒缓和平的音乐。欢迎订阅我们的频道收听更多古琴音乐,与我们一起踏上放松和自我呵护的旅程。 Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day, meditate, or simply enjoy a moment of peaceful reflection, Guqin music is the perfect accompaniment. Allow yourself to be enveloped by the gentle melodies of the Guqin, and experience the healing power of music for yourself. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy 1 hour of soothing and calming music. Subscribe to our channel for more Guqin music, and join us on a journey of relaxation and self-care. #chinesemusic #guqin #relaxingmusic #chinesetraditionalmusic #calmingmusic #calmingsounds #calmingmusicmeditation #meditationmusic #traditionalmusic #chilloutmusic #relaxing #relaxingsounds #relaxingmusicforstressrelief #relaxationmusic #ambientmusic #yogamusic #sleepmusic #healingmusic #mindfulness #selfcare #zen #chill #peacefulmusic #instrumentalmusic #musicforthesoul #asianmusic #meditative #ancientmusic #spiritualmusic #guqinmusic #静心安神 #冥想放松 #修身养性#古琴 #中国音乐 #放松音乐 #冥想音乐 #传统音乐 #冥想放松 #冥想之音 #冥想音乐 #静心安神 #修身养性 #轻松音乐 #轻音乐 #休闲音乐 #瑜伽音乐 #睡眠音乐 #治愈音乐 #心灵音乐 #灵性音乐 #文化遗产 #古风音乐 #古乐 #古风 #古典音乐 #纯音乐 #中国传统音乐 #中国古典音乐 #音乐养生
