臺大哲學系 蔡耀明教授
(完整課程影音請至臺大開放式課程網站觀看 http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S219)
Professor Yao-ming Tsai, Department of Philosophy, NTU
This course aims to establish a systematic and comprehensive approach to Buddhist thought to help students build a level of competency in using firsthand and secondhand sources as they explore related topics later in life. The course also sharpens the students' minds, allowing them to think critically not only about Buddhist thought but through it as well. Moreover, this course is a component of university-level education. As such, Buddhism is broadly introduced and discussed with emphasis on academic professionalism. No religious conversion or preaching will be conducted and the course will not interfere with personal religious beliefs. Focuses of Buddhist thought include: related courses in the Anglophone world; related long-distance courses; introduction to related online resources; methodology and scholarly information; related reference works; introductory works; the life and teachings of the Buddha; introduction to the Buddhist canon; introduction to Buddhist thought via reading selections; Buddhist historical perspective and the establishment of the Mahāyāna path; fundamental pedagogy of the Buddha; Liberation through Wisdom and the Perfection of Wisdom; the no-dual middle way; the doctrine of the mind; Buddhist psychology; the life philosophy of the Tathāgata-garbha; Buddhist meditation and Buddhist sexuality.
(Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S219)