1 Million Pesos! One Time Pag-Ibig MP2 Savings, how much after 5 years?
This video will show how much will you earn in Pag-Ibig MP2 Savings if you make 1-Time Payment of 1 Million Pesos!
Other helpful Video about MP2:
How to open a MP2 Savings? https://youtu.be/XSVu6G9ZodM
How to earn in MP2 Savings? https://youtu.be/W148EbI1R5E
How to withdraw your MP2 Savings? https://youtu.be/etRsSr6sUyc
Common MP2 Questions: https://youtu.be/9cWFjmY4xW4
Laddering Strategies: https://youtu.be/3aliLL_8rNY and https://youtu.be/ovkiUfZbp5s
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