I Ask the #1 Newcastle on Apex Legends for his best Newcastle tips and tricks for high kill games and why he plays Newcastle in season 23, before using his advice to drop 26 kills and 5k Damage! Thanks to LevelsEdits for his time : )
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Simply Ashton Apex Legends
Apex Legends season 23 not blgs or comp or even ranked but newcastle meta is here so he is the most op and you should main him
00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Why Newcastle?
01:29 - Current Newcastle Meta
02:09 - Top 3 Mistakes
03:38 - Best Loadout + Team Comp
04:41 - Favourite Skin
04:52 - Is he TOO big?
05:30 - Advice for New Players
06:08 - MNK or Controller?
06:32 - Biggest Skill Gap
07:39 - Newcastle Heirloom
07:56 - Newcastle Challenges
08:34 - 26 Kills 5k Damage Gameplay