楞嚴二十五圓通 - 1, 果醒法師主講 法鼓山: 東初禪寺
法師簡介 (Biography):
1986年, 法師於聖嚴法師座下出家, 2005年成為傳法弟子. 曾任紐約東初禪寺兼象岡道場住持, 現任法鼓山副住持、禪修中心副都監及禪堂堂主,法師對漢傳經典和禪宗語錄用功甚深, 經過自己的實修體驗, 配合經典如《楞嚴經》,《六祖壇經》等, 或祖師語錄《信心銘》,《永嘉證道歌》等來跟大眾分享佛法的核心觀念-無我, 和實際修行的入手處, 同時在世界各地指導禪修。
Ven. Guo Xing was ordained by our late Master Sheng Yen in 1986 and received Dharma Heirship in 2005. He was the abbot of the Chan Meditation Center and Dharma Drum Retreat Center in New York. Currently, he is the Vice Abbot of Dharma Drum Mountain and Vice Provost of the Meditation Center, and Head Master of Chan Hall in Taiwan. Ven. Guo Xing studied diligently and acquired a deep understanding of Chinese Chan Buddhist Sutras and the Records of Chan Patriarchs. With the extensive practice of Chan and guidance from the Surangama Sutra, Platform Sutra, as well as great works like "Faith in Mind" and the "Song of Enlightenment", he teaches core Buddhist concepts such as "no-self" and show us the entry of practice through the right understanding of the Dharma. He has led meditation retreats around the world and given many Dharma talks.