Hey friends, what do you think? Can we crack our knucles or will we get arthritis? Ya well I know, we all have been brought up to think like it. But no knucle cracking is in no way linked to arthritis. But this is not it .. There are a number of myths that we still believe in and follow religiously without even stopiing for a second to think about it. But not to worry friends.. today at getsetflyfact we recall 10 such medical myths that we all still believe, follow and spread. We discuss myths such as:- Shaving causes hair to grow back thicker, reading a book under dim lights or watching TV from too close can damages your eyes, we use only 10% of our brains, we catch a cold from cold weather, our heart stops when we sneeze, chocolates and oily food causes acne or pimples. Do watch the entire video to know more.
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