✨Join The SimplyThrive Club and get access to my upcoming masterclasses AND unlock all of the other benefits and resources in the membership: http://simplythriveclub.com One of my favorite design platforms to use is Kittl. What makes it different than so many others is that it’s basically a much more straightforward version of Adobe Illustrator, which means you are able to take your designs to the next level without having to be an advanced graphic designer. Try Kittl for free: https://bit.ly/43izR4n Use code "MANDY" to get 50% off and upgrade to a monthly Pro plan (for new users) More design recommendations: 🎥 NEVER run out of design ideas: https://youtu.be/dftwp0tMiDM 🎥 2024 Design Trend: https://youtu.be/pFWSYb9iz3I 🎥 Make a Front/Back Design: https://youtu.be/APG_zBvGYjM Join The Club and get access to our upcoming masterclass AND unlock all of the other benefits and resources in the membership: http://simplythriveclub.com ✨My SimplyThrive Planners are officially LIVE on Amazon! https://www.studiomdesignsco.com/planners ________________________________________________ ||| GET STARTED HERE ||| ✨ My FREE Course - Mastering Etsy Print on Demand - https://bit.ly/simplypodmasterclass ✨ ETSY AND 40 FREE LISTINGS : https://etsy.me/42CZdZn ✨ PRINTIFY: https://printify.grsm.io/irrf4m9rh0ne (use code: STUDIOM for 30 days of Premium for FREE) ||| LOOKING FOR MORE? ||| Get exclusive access to resources, mockups, SimplyTHRIVE community, monthly masterclasses, and MORE: http://simplythriveclub.com ||| TOOLS I USE FOR MY ETSY SHOP ||| ✨ GRAPHICS - CREATIVE FABRICA Free Trial: https://www.creativefabrica.com/ref/2426426/ ✨ DESIGN SOFTWARE - CANVA 30 day free trial: https://partner.canva.com/AoQqvR AND Kittl: https://bit.ly/43izR4n ✨ NICHE RESEARCH - eRANK: https://bit.ly/3x6OeKn ✨ COMPETITION RESEARCH & CHROME EXTENSION - ETSY HUNT: https://bit.ly/43lnkgI AND EverBee (BOGO discount): https://bit.ly/EverBeeMandy ✨ MOCKUPS & LISTING VIDEOS (NON-APPAREL) - PlaceIt: https://bit.ly/3zPyA7a ||| STARTING A WEBSITE? ||| ✨ Build a Website - Shopify: https://shopify.pxf.io/Mandy ✨ Automate Pinterest - Tailwind: https://tailwind.sjv.io/Mandy ||| FAV CASH BACK BUSINESS CARD ||| ✨ CHASE INK BUSINESS: https://bit.ly/3q3x5kA Follow me on TikTok for more tips & tricks: https://www.tiktok.com/@studiomdesignsco Some of these are affiliate links which means if you buy one of these services, I may receive a small commission (which really helps support my channel)! #printondemand #etsyprintondemand #printify