Whether you have a sphynx or have been thinking about getting one, there is a lot to learn about this unique feline. That's why we compiled ten interesting facts about Sphynx cats.
★ Blog Post ➜ https://thepurringjournal.com/blog/10-interesting-facts-about-sphynx-cats/
There, you will also find the sources for this video.
The Purring Journal posts anything and everything related to cats. That's why our tagline is "Content for cat lovers." 😺
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The Purring Journal is not affiliated with any mentioned organizations. This video is made for entertainment purposes only. The Purring Journal is NOT in the medical field. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. ALWAYS seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.
All stock footage in this video is from pexels.com and gettyimages.com (via Canva).
"Cool Cat Alley" by Alvaro Antin from Epidemic Sound (via Canva)
#sphynxcats #catfacts #factsaboutcats