Roštilj meso, specijaliteti iz Srbije i razni drugi recepti sa balkana u jednom video klipu! Uživajte 🥩
00:00 - 03:32 - Balkan Barbecue and steaks - ROŠTILJ I BIFTEK
03:33 - 07:24 - Veal under the lid - TELETINA ISPOD SAČA
07:25 - 9:22 - Neapolitan pizza in Bosnia - NAPOLITANA
9:23 - 20:10 - Roast Lamb and Lamb Soup - JAGNJEĆE ČIZME
20:11 - 22:25 - Serbian Breakfast - SRPSKI DORUČAK ZA TROJE
22:26 - 29:09 - Lamb and goat under the lid - JAGNJETINA I JARETINA ISPOD SAČA
29:10 - 35:10 Old Serbian Dishes - STARA SRPSKA JELA
35:11 - 39:27 King's Breakfast - KRALJEVSKI DORUČAK
39:28 - 44:14 Serbian sarma - SARME
44:15 - 48:36 - Mushrooms Soup and beefsteak - ČORBA OD VRGANJA I BIFTEK
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