I GOT NEW HOYAS!! These are a selection of rare and uncommon Hoyas that I found easy to care for. If you want to expand your Hoya collection and wanted to learn more about which ones to invest in without too much stress, you have to check this out! :)
00:00 Intro
00:37 10 New Hoyas: Rare but Easy selection
01:46 Hoya accuminata
09:27 Hoya decipulae
15:50 Hoya desvoeuxensis
21:53 Hoya lacunosa variegated
26:47 Hoya heuschkeliana outer variegated
31:48 Hoya lacunosa silver mint
36:08 Hoya lacunosa silver mint coin
40:28 Hoya fauziana ssp. fauziana
47:16 Hoya sp. GPS 7731
51:40 Hoya sp. Sulawesi
57:14 Outro
#hoyaplant #rarehoya #newhoya