Ha korang dah tahukan OPR dah dinaikkan sebanyak 3 kali salah satu sebabnya adalah ekonomi kita terlalu hot, so orang banyak duit inflasi menjadi-jadi, so OPR dinaikkan supaya orang tidak berbelanja sangatlah kurang sedikit. Sebab bila orang duduk belanja belanja belanja, harga barang naik korang juga yang bising
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⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Investments should be made according to your own financial situation and at your own risk. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness. I am not liable for any errors, omissions, or the availability of this information. The views expressed are my own and do not reflect the views of any affiliations. I am also not responsible for any comments posted by others on this channel. By commenting, you assume responsibility for your views and any resultant consequences. I am not liable for any damages or harm resulting from interactions on this channel.
00:00 Intro
01:02 Fahamkan risiko pelaburan
01:42 Expected return, past performance
02:31 Liquidity, kecairan
03:20 Amanah Saham Bumiputera
03:52 Tabung Haji
04:17 Fixed Deposit
05:09 Iklan: ASBF
05:28 SSPN
06:31 EPF/KWSP
07:57 Emas
08:28 Unit Trust
09:26 Saham
09:55 Property
10:50 Forex
11:46 Crypto
12:44 Fahamkan dan jangan ikut orang
13:52 Bloopers
#financialfaiz #investment #savings
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