With all of this talk about the NEW electric Ford Capri I’ve made this video sharing ten reasons why I think my 1984 CLASSIC Ford Capri 2.8 Injection is SIMPLY better than the new one… and I share my ten reasons whilst driving my 40 year old Capri all the way from Cornwall to Beaulieu (New Forest) to attend SIMPLY FORD 2024.
Please do let me know in the comments section whether you agree with my ten reasons, have some reasons to add to mine or if you think I am talking a load of old rubbish – it is great to hear from anyone watching. Also, LIKE the video, SHARE it and please do SUBSCRIBE to see more on my Capri, the other cars in my collection and other car related antics.
… and if you want to see us drive the Ford Capri and Ford Mustang to Lands End then click the link below.
• https://youtu.be/-CxpZiNEoYA
Thank you for watching. 👍
---------- Video Content ----------
00:00 - Intro: Capri & Mustang.
07:26 - Reason 1… why the classic Capri is better!
11:53 - Reason 2… why the classic Capri is better!
14:16 - Reason 3… why the classic Capri is better!
16:18 - Reason 4… why the classic Capri is better!
17:20 - Simply Ford 2024 at National Motor Museum (Beaulieu).
21:59 - Reason 5… why the classic Capri is better!
23:38 - Reason 6… why the classic Capri is better!
28:15 - Improving the Capri’s parcel shelf.
34:33 – Recap & Reasons 7, 8, 9 & 10… why the classic Capri is better!