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10 Resin Coaster techniques in 10 minutes | Resin coaster compilation

Naptime Creations 45,621 3 years ago
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Thanks for watching, be sure to subscribe and go check out a few more of my other videos. Those are great ways to support my channel. #resin #resinart #resincrafts When working with resin always work in a well ventilated area. Wear a respirator with organic vapor filters and wear nitrile gloves. I started a page for my Art on Facebook. Please go check it out and leave me a like on my Facebook Art Page @Art by Tish here's the link Check out my milky way coaster tutorial if you are new to resin and want to see step by step how to mix your resin and pigments. Links to the full tutorials step by step / demos shown in today's compilation video. 1- Super sparkly rose gold milky way resin coasters. 2. Floating gold resin coasters 3. Cloud technique resin coasters 4. Rose alcohol ink resin coasters 5. Floating gold resin coasters 6. Swirl petri dish resin coaster 7. How to use resin foils - resin coasters with resin foils 8. Alcohol ink resin flower coasters 9. How to get lacing on resin art with alcohol inks Resin coasters with metallic alcohol inks 10. Resin coasters using resin foils ***************************** Discount codes good for any purchase The Epoxy Resin Store- NAPTIME20 KSRESIN- NAPTIME Dryer days art studio- NAPTIME GenCrafts- NAPTIME10 Laura's art corner on Facebook- TISH10% Le'Rez Expressions website- TISH20 WynnModernArt website- WynnWithNaptime20 Discount codes are good for any purchase on their website. ******************************* Links to items I use in my videos purchased from amazon. If you have any amazon shopping to do at all. Please use my referral link to go to their website & shop just like you normally would. If you use my link to go to Amazon's site any purchase you make will earn me a small commission and in turn will help out my channel. You can also bookmark my link and use it for future Amazon shopping. I am so grateful for your support. As an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 3M half face respirator I use. You must purchase 3M organic vapor filter cartridges separately. 3M organic vapor filters/cartridges I use on my respirator Mehron gold pigment powder Heat gun I use for resin art, it comes with attachments. Table top ring light I use for lighting Cell phone tripod I use for filming Let me know if you have any questions down in the comments, I would love to hear from you. Safety Disclaimer Before you create ALWAYS read all of the instructions and safety labels on all of the products you are going to use. I am no expert I am just sharing the way I like to create art and any tips/tricks I have learned along the way. ALWAYS wear proper safety gear when working with resin and paint. I ALWAYS work in a well ventilated area. Also always wear nitrile gloves and a full face respirator when I work with resin. Remember to have fun and be safe when you are creating. Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby your Creation station. Thank you :) As an affiliate of the epoxy resin store, ksresin, arteza, gencrafts, dryerdays art studio and Amazon I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I greatly appreciate your support and use of my affiliate links and codes. All commissions earned help me purchase more art supplies so I can keep making videos for my YouTube channel.
