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10 Sightings of the Megalodon That May Prove It Exists

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10 Sightings of the Megalodon That May Prove It Exists If you're new, Subscribe! → Top 5 Best is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video! #viralstory #amazingpeople #top5best 10 Sightings of the Megalodon That May Prove It Exists No other prehistoric animals has divided opinions more than the megalodon, mostly about the question whether it still exists or not. While a lot of experts definitely say that these monsters are long gone, there are still some who fervently believe that they still roam the earth’s waters. Many sightings of the mighty fish have been reported through the decades, some of which are so compelling that it’s really hard not to believe that these monsters died out millions of years ago. The number one sighting is particularly curious, so stay tuned for that. Here are 10 Sightings of the Megalodon That May Prove It Exists. Number 10. An Unverified Attack Let’s start things off not with an actual sighting, but with the possible outcome of a close encounter with a megalodon. A few years ago, a photo surfaced on the internet showing a beached whale. While seeing abeached whale is already strange in itself, there’s something that sets this event apart from the rest. The whale’s entire tail is missing, and it looks like it’s been bitten off by something large. The most compelling thing about the photo is that you can clearly see bite marks around where the tail should have been. Now, this is a 70 foot humpback whale, one of the largest animals in the oceans, who could have done such a thing? While it is true that Orcas or killer whales have a habit of hunting and feeding on whales, it isn’t known whether they can take on a whale of this size. Plus, experts believe that the tail was shorn off in one bite. The only animal with the size and strength to possibly do this is, you’ve guessed it, the mighty megalodon. Number 9. Unusually Young Teeth Still yet another sighting, I promise we will get into those in a bit, but not something less compelling. This story has something to do with the British ship HMS Challenger, a former small warship that was converted into the first dedicated oceanographic ship with its own laboratories, microscopes and other scientific equipment onboard. Its job was to explore the oceans and discover new animals that have never been previously discovered, mostly by dredging the bottom of the ocean and see what they can drag up. While dredging a seabed near Tahiti in 1875, pulled up a pair of Megalodon teeth. Over the years, dating of the teeth has produced mixed results. Some dates fall in the 10,000-15,000-year-old range. That's a far cry from 1.5 million years ago, when Megalodon supposedly went extinct. If the dating is accurate, megalodons have survived to a far later time than previously thought. And if they made it to as late as 10,000 years ago, who’s to say they aren’t roaming the oceans today? Number 8. The Google Map Sighting Ever since Google Maps was launched, a lot of people have been finding strange things on there. Some are easily explainable, like glitches on the photo or misidentifying certain things or animals to be something totally different, like in a recent viral photo, which many thought to be proof of the Kraken, turned out to be just a rock. But there are some cases that, no matter how strange they are, can’t simply be explained by conventional thinking. This image reportedly shows a Google Map image in the Bahamas. In it you can clearly show the silhouette of an extremely large fish. We know it’s large because these images are taken by satellites orbiting the earth, so animal that would have registered on the image must be extremely large. Could it be a whale shark, the only living animal that could even remotely match what’s on the photo? Yes, it could be, but if you see the photo, there’s something quite a bit off with the shape for it to be a whale shark. Of course, it is a bit premature to declare this to be a megalodon, but what are the other possibilities? Of course there’s the “doctored photo” explanation, which is also highly likely. But, in the remotest of chances that the google map image wasn’t faked, is it still safe to swim in the Bahamas? Number 7. The Cape Town Photo This piece of evidence caused both a sensation and an uproar dividing mainstream scientists and those who are keeping an open mind. This very famous photo shows an extremely large fish swimming alongside German Uboats, reportedly taken just off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa during the height or World War II in 1942. The photo even shows German sailors looking at the monstrous beast as it swims alongside the submarines.
