Learn 10 key tips to improve your riding and ride like a pro. From position on the bike, through braking, gear changes and lines, to advanced techniques to improve stability and safety on curves.
📌 Times:
0:00 - Introduction: Ten tips to ride like a pro
0:45 - Posture on the bike: Relaxation and control
2:13 - Ergonomic adjustments: Semi-handlebars, footrests and levers
5:19 - Head position and gaze technique
7:06 - Braking: How to operate the lever correctly
9:05 - Downshifting without destabilizing the bike
10:06 - Gear shifting with and without quick shifter
11:48 - Using the accelerator: Progressive gas and traction control
14:04 - The ideal line on the road and track
16:48 - Safety in curves and safety margins
17:33 - How to improve: Personalized courses and training
17:59 - Conclusion: Applying these tips in practice
Apply these tips on your next ride and tell us what has been most useful to you.
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