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100の質問に答えました! 長くなったのでいったん半分です🙏 後半はこちら 0:00 100の質問! | 100 questions! 0:41 オススメのラーメン屋は? | Which ramen restaurant do you recommend? 0:57 最近ハマってることは? | What are you into lately? 1:19 最近使っている調味料は? | What seasonings have you been using recently? 1:39 最近使ってよかったコスメは? | What cosmetics have you used recently? 1:59 好きな曲はなんですか? | What is your favorite song? 2:27 好きなサーティーワンアイスクリームの味は? | What is your favorite flavor of 31 ice cream? 2:54 淡路島で好きな場所は? | What is your favorite place on Awaji Island? 3:21 好きな食べ物は? | What is your favorite food? 3:24 好きなコンビニは? | What is your favorite convenience store? 3:43 好きなスポーツは? | What sports do you like? 3:54 好きな海鮮料理は? | What is your favorite seafood dish? 3:59 好きなルームフレグランスの香りは? | What is your favorite room fragrance scent? 4:07 好きなアニメは? | What is your favorite anime? 4:25 好きな漫画は? | What's your favorite manga? 4:34 好きなお酒は? | What's your favorite liquor? 4:46 好きなヨーグルトは? | What's your favorite yogurt? 5:00 一番好きな国は? | What is your favorite country? 5:06 好きな漢字は? | What is your favorite kanji? 5:15 一番好きな自分の髪型は? | What's your favorite hairstyle? 5:25 好きなことデートするときに気をつけることを教えて下さい | Please tell me what to be careful about when going on a date with someone you like. 5:46 なぜそんなに美人なの? | Why are you so beautiful? 5:56 朝比奈彩にとって「本当の美しさ」とは? | What is “true beauty” for Aya Asahina? 6:06 美しさのために毎日欠かさずやっていることは? | What do you do every day to be beautiful? 6:12 メイクが上手になるためにはどうすればいい? | What should I do to become good at makeup? 6:56 あまりメイクをしない日に使えるオススメの下地は? | What is your recommended makeup-base for the day when you don't wear much makeup? 7:08 今まで共演した人で一番がギャップがあった人は? | Who is the person you have worked with so far that you had the biggest gap with? 7:18 ホテルニューアワジの魅力は? | What is the appeal of Hotel New Awaji? 7:45 日常で喧嘩しますか? | Do you fight in everyday life? 8:05 MBTIはなんですか? | What is your MBTI? 8:17 まつ毛美容液は使ってる? | Do you use eyelash serum? 8:21 寝る前にかならずすることは? | What do you always do before going to bed? 8:25 一番楽しかった撮影は? | What was the most fun shoot? 8:35 演じてみたい役柄は? | What role would you like to play? 9:19 4月から生徒会長になりました。とても怖いです。彩さんの場合どうしますか? | I have been the student council president since April. It's very scary. What would you do in Aya's case? 9:51 得意料理は何? | What is your specialty? 9:55 眠れないときどうする? | What do you do when you can't sleep? 10:10 今年の4月から社会人で仕事が大変でつらいです。どう乗り越えますか? | Since April of this year, I have been working as a working adult and my work has been very difficult. How do you overcome it? 10:41 子育てどうですか? | How are you raising your children? 10:49 夜何時に寝ていますか? | What time do you go to bed at night? 10:56 体に良い事で心がけていることは? | What are you trying to do that is good for your body? 11:02 自分の機嫌の取り方は? | How do you manage your mood? 11:09 実際にやってきた面接やオーディションでの必勝法を教えて! | Please tell me how to win at interviews and auditions! 11:02 今際の国のアリスの撮影エピソードを教えて! | Tell us about the filming episode of Alice in Wonderland! 12:38 自分のやる気スイッチは? | What is your motivation switch? 13:07 毎朝のルーティーンは? | What is your morning routine? 13:10 20代にやって良かったこと・やり残したことは? | What were the good things you did in your 20s and what did you leave unfinished? 14:10 30代でやりたいことは? | What do you want to do in your 30s? 14:30 同性で素敵だなと思う人の特徴は? | What are the characteristics of people of the same sex that you find attractive? 14:30 部屋の掃除・洋服整理のコツをおしえて! | Teach me tips for cleaning your room and organizing your clothes! 15:01 今一番したいことは? | What do you want to do most right now? ●チャンネル登録お願いします! ○チャンネルへのお問い合わせはこちら! ●Instagram #朝比奈彩 #100の質問 #100questions
