1. 오늘 하루/학교 어땠어? How was your day/school?
2. 학교에서 뭐 했어? What did you do at school?
3. 점심은 뭐 먹었어? What did you have for lunch?
4. 점심 다 먹었어? Did you finish your lunch at school?
5. 엄마가 데리러 오니까 좋지? Are you happy that mommy came to pick you up?
6. 좀 늦어서 미안해. Sorry, I’m a little late.
7. 기분 좋아 보인다. You look happy.
피곤해 보인다. You look tired.
신나 보인다. You look excited.
8. 오빠가/동생이 기다리고 있어. Your brother/sister is waiting for you.
9. 친구들이랑 잘 지내? Do you get along with your friends?
10. 손에는 세균이 많아. There are a lot of germs on your hands.
11. 가서 손 씼어야지. You should go wash your hands.
12. 손가락 사이사이도 잘 닦아. Scrub between your fingers.
13. 뭐 마실래? Do you want something to drink?
14. 배고파? 뭐 좀 먹을래? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?
15. 뭐 먹고 싶어? What do you wanna eat?
16. 동생이랑 나눠 먹어. Share it with your sister/brother.
17. 동생 꺼도 좀 남겨둬. Leave some for your sister/brother.
18. 맛이 어때? How does it taste?
19. 맛있어? Does it taste good?
20. 간식 너무 많이 먹음 저녁 못 먹어. If you eat too much snacks, you can’t have dinner.
21. 피자랑 햄버거는 건강 식품이 아니야. Pizzas and burgers are junk food.
22. 유치원에서 새로운 노래 배웠어? Did you learn any new songs at school?
23. 배운 노래 한번 불러봐. Could you sing the song you learned?
24. 오늘 숙제 있어? Do you have any homework today?
25. 숙제 먼저하고 놀아. Do your homework first and play.
26. 숙제 다했어? Are you done with your homework?
27. 나중으로 미루지 마. Don’t put it off until later.
28. 도움이 필요하면 말해. Let me know if you need help.
29. 숙제 언제 까지야? When is the homework due?
30. 숙제 다했으면 가방에 넣어. Put your homework in the bag when you are done.
31. 자기 전에 가방 미리 싸놔. Pack your bag before you go to bed./ Get your bag ready before you go to bed.
32. 빠진 것 없이 다 챙겼는지 확인해봐. Check if you have everything.
33. 연필 깎았어? Did you sharpen your pencils?
34. 가방에 뭐가 이렇게 많아. 필요 없는 건 다 빼. How come you have so much stuff in your bag? Take everything out that you don’t need.
35. 식탁에서 너 수학책 봤어. I saw your math book on the dining table.
36. 가방이 넘 무겁다. Your bag is too heavy.
37. 장난감은 학교에 가져가는 거 아니야. You shouldn’t take toys to school.
38. 오늘 힘들었겠다. You had a long day today.
39. 한시간 쉬어! You take a break for an hour.
40. 같이 슈퍼 갈래? Do you wanna go to the grocery store with me?
41. 저녁에 뭐 먹을래? What do you want for dinner?
42. 파스타 먹을래? Do you want pasta?
43. 아빠 어디신지 엄마가 문자해 볼게. Let me text and find out where your daddy is.
44. 아빠 오고 계신대. Your daddy is on his way.
45. 아빠 저녁 먹고 오신대. Your daddy is coming home after dinner.
46. 아빠 오셨네. Your daddy is home.
47. 저녁 다 됐어. Dinner’s ready.
48. 식탁 차리는 것 좀 도와줄래? Could you help me to set the table?
49. 와서 저녁 먹어. Come and have dinner.
50. 저녁 먹기 전에 가서 손 씻어. Go wash your hands before dinner.
51. 아빠한테 저녁 준비 다 됐다고 와서 드시라해. Could you go tell your daddy to come and eat?
52. 완전 잘 먹네. You are eating so well.
53. 왜 이렇게 조금 먹어? How come you are eating like a bird?
54. 왜 이렇게 오래 먹어? How come you are taking forever to eat?
55. 빨리 샤워 시켜 줄게. Let me give you a quick shower.
56. 목욕 할래? Do you wanna take a bath?
57. 욕조에 물 준비됐어. The tub is ready.
58. 옷 벗고 욕조에 들어가. Take off your clothes and get in the tub.
59. 물 따뜻해? Is the water warm?
60. 머리 먼저 감자. Let’s wash your hair first.
61. 눈 감아. 머리 헹구자. Close your eyes. Let’s rinse your hair.
62. 미안 비눗물이 눈에 들어갔네. Sorry, the soap got into your eyes.
63. 빨리 닦아내자. Let’s wash it off quickly.
64. 엄마한테 물 튀기지 마. Don’t splash water on me.
65. 다 됐다. 이제 나와. You are done. Come out.
66. 수건으로 잘 닦아. Dry yourself with a towel.
67. 목욕하니 개운하지? /샤워하니 개운하지? Don’t you feel fresh after a bath/shower?
68. 바닥 미끄러우니까 조심해. Be careful with the slippery floor.
69. 얼굴이랑 몸에 로션 바르자. Let’s put some lotion on your face and body.
70. 이거 봐 너 피부가 다 텃잖아. Look, your skin got all dry.
71. 로션 눈에 안 들어가게 조심해. Be careful not to get any lotion in your eyes.
72. 로션 바르니 이쁘네, 우리 애기. Look how pretty you are after you put on some lotion.
73. 가서 잠옷 입어. Go put on your pajamas.
74. 잠옷 입으니 귀엽네. You look cute in your pajamas.
75. 드라이기로 머리 말려줄게. I will help you dry your hair with a blow-dryer.
76. 잠잘 시간이야. It’s time to go to bed.
77. 자기 전에 화장실 다녀와 야지. Go pee before you go to bed.
78. 어제밤에 침대에 쉬했잖아. You wet the bed last night.
79. 10시가 넘었어. 빨리 자. It’s past 10 o’clock. Go to bed.
80.밖에 완전 깜깜해. It’s very dark outside.
81. 엄마가 재워 줄게. I’ll put you to bed.
82. 아빠한테 인사하고. Say good-night to your daddy!
83. 아빠/엄마한테 뽀뽀해줘야지. Give daddy/mommy a goodnight kiss.
84. 일찍 자야 일찍 일어나지. You should go to bed early to wake up early.
85. 내일 7시에 깨워 줄게. I will wake you up at 7 tomorrow.
86. 잠들 때까지 엄마가 책 읽어 줄게. Let me read you a story until you fall asleep.
87. 엄마가 자장가 불러줄게. I will sing you a lullaby.
88. 눈 감고 들어. Listen with your eyes closed.
89. 아직도 안자? You are still awake?
90.이제 그만 얘기하고. No more talking!
91. 오늘은 엄마가 같이 잘게. I will sleep with you tonight.
92. 혼자 잘 수 있지? Can you sleep by yourself?
93. 네 방에 가서 자. Go to sleep in your room.
94. 불 끈다. I will turn off the light.
95. 잘 자! 좋은 꿈 꿔! Good night! Sweet dreams!
96. 사랑해. I love you.
97. 엄마가 이불 덮어줄게. I will tuck you in.
98. 왜 깼어? Why did you wake up?
99. 무서운 꿈 꿨어? Did you have a nightmare?
100. 좀더 자! Sleep some more.