We will do 100 integrals in one take! Covering all integration techniques (for calculus 1 & calculus 2) including u-substitution, integration by parts, trigonometric integrals, trigonometric substitution, partial fraction decomposition, integrals with hyperbolic functions, integrals with inverse functions, and more!
100 integrals part 2 (this is passion!): https://youtu.be/jQz1gQ24OHc)
😃 Lars has beaten cancer and he is doing well right now!! : )
👉 Integrals for you t-shirt: https://amzn.to/3qBeuw6
Try the problems first: https://www.patreon.com/posts/files-to-my-100-95153770?
Solutions by Jackw11111: https://www.blackpenredpen.com/_files/ugd/287ba5_62e3789012b14a77ae31c0986f993ecc.pdf
Q1 to Q25, myself
0:00 100 integrals in one take!
1, Integral of tan^5(x)*sec^3(x), 2:19
2, Integral of cos(2x)/(sin(x)+cos(x)), 5:58
3, Integral of (x^2+1)/(x^4-x^2+1), 8:00
4, Integral of (x+e^x)^2, 12:00
5, Integral of csc^3(x)*sec(x), 14:00
6, Integral of cos(x)/(sin^2(x)-5sin(x)-6), 20:00
7, Integral of 1/sqrt(e^x), 23:38
8, Integral of e^x*sqrt(e^x-1)/(e^x+3), 25:51
9, Integral of 1/(x+sqrt(x)), 32:04
10, Integral of abs(x-3) from -1 to 5, 34:39
11, Integral of sin(x)/sec^2019(x), 37:19
12, Integral of x*sin^-1(x)/sqrt(1-x^2), 39:00
13, Integral of 2sin(x)/sin(2x), 43:06
14, Integral of cos^2(2x), 45:36
15, Integral of 1/(x^3+1), 47:55
16, Integral of x*sin^2(x), 1:01:07
17, Integral of (x+1/x)^2, 1:04:45
18, Integral of 3/(x^2+4x+29), 1:06:00
19, Integral of cot^5(x), 1:08:08
20, 1:12:06
21, 1:13:43
22, 1:16:16
23, 1:20:15
24, 1:21:30
25, 1:25:30
Thanks to GaMeR 123
26. 1:29:48 integral of cos(sqrt x)
27. 1:31:35 integral of cosec x
28. 1:34:09 integral of sqrt(x^2+4x+13)
29. 1:43:26 integral of e^2x*cosx
30. 1:46:43 integral of (x-3)^9 from 3 to 5
31. 1:49:32 integral of (x-x^(3/2))^-1/2
32. 1:52:37 integral of (x-x^2)^-1/2
33. 1:56:03 integral of e^(2lnx)
34. 1:56:57 integral of lnx/sqrt x
35. 2:00:32 integral of 1/e^x+e^-x
36. 2:01:57 integral of log(x) base 2
37. 2:05:15 integral of x^3*sin2x
38. 2:08:32 integral of x^2[1+x^3]^1/3
39. 2:12:30
40. 2:19: 38
41. 2:27:29
42. 2:28:50 integral of (sinhx)^2
43. 2:32:53 integral of (sinhx)^3
44. 2:35:03 integral of 1/sqrt(x^2 + 1)
45. 2:36:34 integral of ln(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1)
46. 2:39:23 integral of tanh(x)
47. 2:40:59 integral of sech(x)
48. 2:48:37 integral of tanh inverse of x
49. 2:43:15 integral of sqrt(tanhx)
50. 2:51:20 integral of [x] from 0 to 5
51. 2:53:40 integral of (secx)^6
BIG thanks to Angel Mendez-Rivera
52, Integral of 1/(5x-2)^4, 2:55:51
53, Integral of ln(1+x^2), 2:57:18
54, Integral of 1/(x^4+x), 3:00:42
55, Integral of (1-tan(x))/(1 + tan(x)), 3:03:09
56, Integral of x·sec(x)·tan(x), 3:05:08
57, Integral of arcsec(x), 3:06:45
58, Integral of (1-cos(x))/(1+cos(x)), 3:11:20
59, Integral of (x^2)sqrt(x+4), 3:14:46
60, Integral of sqrt(4-x^2) from -1 to 1, 3:18:38
61, Integral of sqrt(x^2+4x), 3:25:10
62, Integral of (x^2)e^(x^3), 3:36:48
63, Integral of (x^3)e^(x^2), 3:37:27
64, Integral of tan(x)ln(cos(x)), 3:39:55
65, Integral of 1/(x^3-4x^2), 3:42:11
66, Integral of sin(x)cos(2x), 3:50:00
67, Integral of 2^ln(x), 3:58:06
68, Integral of sqrt(1+cos(2x)), 4:01:21
69, Integral of 1/(1+tan(x)), 4:02:40
70, Integral of sqrt(1- ln(x)^2)/x from 1/e to e, 4:07:13
71-72, Integral of 1/(cbrt(x)+1) & Integral of 1/cbrt(x + 1), 4:10:30
73, Integral of (sin(x)+cos(x))^2, 4:14:10
74, Integral of 2xln(1-x), 4:16:00
75, Integral of 1/(x(1+sin(ln(x))^2)), 4:19:34
76, Integral of sqrt((1-x)/(1+x)), 4:25:48
77, Integral of x^(x/ln(x)), 4:27:52
78, Integral of arcsin(sqrt(x)), 4:29:12
79, Integral of arctan(x), 4:39:16
80, Integral of f(x) from 0 to 5, f(x) is a piecewise function, 4:41:32
81, Integral of sin(1/x)/x^3, 4:44:11
82, Integral of (x-1)/(x^4-1), 4:47:18
83, Integral of sqrt(1+(x-1/(4x))^2), 4:52:49
84, Integral of e^tan(x)/(1-sin(x)^2), 4:55:17
85, Integral of arctan(x)/x^2, 4:56:12
86, Integral of arctan(x)/(1+x^2), 5:00:28
87, Integral of ln(x)^2, 5:02:32
88, Integral of sqrt(x^2+4)/x^2, 5:06:39
89, Integral of sqrt(x + 4)/x, 5:13:46
90, Integral of sin(x)^3/(cos(x)^3 + sin(x)^3), 5:18:03
91, Integral of x/(1 + x^4), 5:19:13
92, Integral of e^sqrt(x), 5:20:07
93, Integral of 1/csc(x)^3, 5:21:37
94, Integral of arcsin/sqrt(1-x^2), 5:24:16
95, Integral of sqrt(1+sin(2x)), 5:24:58
96, Integral of x^(1/4), 5:26:22
97, Integral of 1/(1+e^x), 5:27:47
98, Integral of sqrt(1+e^x), 5:29:13
99, Integral of sqrt(tan(x))/sin(2x), 5:34:43
100, Integral of 1/(1+sin(x)), 5:39:16
101, Integral of sin(x)/x + ln(x)cos(x), 5:45:39
33:39 should be a du, NOT dx
1:52:05 -2 times 2 equals -4, NOT -1
3:32:30 2*(1/2)*(1/2) = 1/2, NOT 1
5:16:56 MUST use absolute value since sqrt(x+4)-2 could be neg