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Learn Persian with Majid
This lesson teaches you common important verbs in Farsi.
Videos about Persian verbs:
Lesson 2: the verb 'to be' in Persian:
Lesson 7: The Verb 'Have' in Persian داشتن
Lesson 8: the verb 'do' 'kardan' 'کردن' and its compound verbs:
The verb 'Zadan' زدن and its compound verbs in Farsi:
Compound verbs in Farsi with 'daadan' دادن:
Persian/Farsi Compound verbs from 'shodan' (to get) شدن
Persian Compound verbs from 'gereftan' (to take) گرفتن
Extra Persian/Farsi Compound verbs with کردن
Learn Persian/Farsi 33: Compound verbs with داشتن
Persian Compound verbs with خوردن
Persian Compound verbs with کشیدن
00:00 صد فعل مهم فارسی
00:10 آوردن
00:51 دوست داشتن
01:18 شروع شدن
01:43 شروع کردن
02:08 اجازه دادن
02:55 حرف زدن
03:19 کمک کردن
03:41 نگه داشتن
04:15 نشان دادن
04:44 بازی کردن
05:12 دویدن
06:04 زندگی کردن
06:35 اتفاق افتادن
07:11 نوشتن
07:42 باور کردن
08:07 تکان خوردن
08:20 تکان دادن
08:30 نشستن
09:09 خواندن
09:35 گم کردن
10:00 یادگرفتن
10:23 فهمیدن
10:46 پرداخت کردن
11:15 بستن
11:42 باز کردن
12:11 ادامه دادن
12:39 ادامه داشتن
12:55 عوض کردن
Majid Olyaei
farsi verbs, persian verb داشتن, farsi compound verbs, persian compound verbs, farsi verbs list, persian verb list, farsi verb conjugation, persian verb conjugation, persian verb gereftan, to take in farsi, to eat in farsi, to take in persian, to have in persian, compound verb list farsi, persian compound verb list, ccmpound verbs with have, compound verbs in farsi with examples, compound verbs in persian with examples, فعل کردن در فارسی، صرف فعل فارسی