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100+ Python Programs with Practicals for Beginners 🔥🐍

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100+ Python Programs with Practicals for Beginners

Video Chapters
00:00:00 Program to add two numbers in Python
00:06:22 print Hello World
00:07:40 find the square root
00:13:25 Calculate the Area of a Triangle
00:16:07 Solve Quadratic Equation
00:21:25 Swap Two Variables
00:27:55 Generate a Random Number
00:31:54 Convert Kilometers to Miles
00:35:38 Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit
00:39:10 Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0
00:43:48 Check if a Number is Odd or Even
00:49:06 Check Leap Year
00:57:34 Find the Largest Among Three Numbers
01:04:37 Check Prime Number
01:13:33 Print all Prime Numbers in an Interval
01:21:59 Find the Factorial of a Number
01:36:36 Display the multiplication Table
01:46:38 Print the Fibonacci sequence
01:55:15 Check Armstrong Number
02:09:18 Find Armstrong Number in an Interval
02:23:27 Find the Sum of Natural Numbers
02:27:36 Display Powers of 2 Using Anonymous Function
02:34:40 Find Numbers Divisible by Another Number
02:40:14 Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal
02:43:30 Find ASCII Value of Character
02:45:46 Find HCF or GCD
02:53:38 Find the Factors of a Number
02:58:47 Make a Simple Calculator
03:07:22 Shuffle Deck of Cards
03:13:23 Display Calendar
03:15:54 Display Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion
03:25:53 Find Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion
03:33:18 Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion
03:40:34 Convert Decimal to Binary Using Recursion
03:47:16 Add Two Matrices
03:52:53 Transpose a Matrix
03:59:57 Multiply Two Matrices
04:12:25 Check Whether a String is Palindrome or Not
04:19:30 Remove Punctuations From a String
04:25:44 Sort Words in Alphabetic Order
04:32:57 Illustrate Different Set Operations
04:38:48 Count the Number of Each Vowel
04:48:02 Find the Size (Resolution) of a Image
04:51:55 Merge Two Dictionaries
04:57:22 Safely Create a Nested Directory
05:01:43 Access Index of a List Using for Loop
05:07:43 Slice Lists
05:17:51 Iterate Over Dictionaries Using for Loop
05:24:04 Sort a Dictionary by Value
05:29:56 Check If a List is Empty
05:34:42 Catch Multiple Exceptions in One Line
05:39:36 Copy a File
05:42:25 Concatenate Two Lists
05:48:41 Check if a Key is Already Present in a Dictionary
05:51:52 Parse a String to a Float or Int
05:56:55 Convert String to Datetime
06:02:28 Get the Last Element of the List
06:06:27 Get a Substring of a String
06:11:34 Print Output Without a Newline
06:13:33 Read a File Line by Line Into a List
06:19:20 Randomly Select an Element From the List
06:23:12 Check If a String Is a Number (Float)
06:27:35 Count the Occurrence of an Item in a List
06:29:49 Append to a File
06:34:27 Delete an Element From a Dictionary
06:39:06 Create a Long Multiline String
06:43:44 Extract Extension From the File Name
06:49:49 Measure the Elapsed Time in Python
06:56:01 Get the Class Name of an Instance
07:00:34 Convert Two Lists Into a Dictionary
07:06:39 Differentiate Between type() and isinstance()
07:13:33 Trim Whitespace From a String
07:21:40 Get the File Name From the File Path
07:27:14 Represent enum
07:30:30 Return Multiple Values From a Function
07:35:48 Get Line Count of a File
07:39:58 Find All File with .txt Extension Present Inside a Directory
07:47:17 Get the Full Path of the Current Working Directory
07:52:11 Iterate Through Two Lists in Parallel
07:55:05 Check the File Size
07:58:43 Reverse a Number
08:07:52 Compute the Power of a Number
08:18:46 Count the Number of Digits Present In a Number
08:25:10 Check If Two Strings are Anagram
08:31:40 Capitalize the First Character of a String
08:35:52 Create a Countdown Timer
08:44:23 Count the Number of Occurrence of a Character in String
08:49:13 Remove Duplicate Element From a List
08:55:51 Convert Bytes to a String

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