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00:00 : intro
01:27 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:28 : mulai membuat adonan (start making the dough)
07:28 : mulai membuat isian (start making the filling)
08:38 : mulai menggulung adonan (rolling the dough)
11:37 : mulai memanggang (start baking)
11:59 : mulai membuat frosting (start making the frosting)
11:26 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the dish is ready to serve)
Cinnamon Roll merupakan roti klasik khas Amerika yang sangat populer. Aroma kayu manis yang kuat menjadi ciri khas hidangan ini. Kelezatan roti lembut dipadukan dengan filling gula dan topping cream cheese frosting membuat cinnamon roll semakin kaya rasa. Cocok untuk teman ngopi atau teh. #WorkingWithSpotify
Resep Cinnamon Roll (12 pcs)
Bahan adonan:
250 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
100 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
30 gr gula pasir
30 gr brown sugar
3 gr garam
50 gr mentega cair
7 gr ragi
180 ml susu cair
1 butir telur
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
Bahan filling:
75 gr mentega
125 gr brown sugar
1 sdm kayu manis bubuk
1 sdm maizena
1 sdt garam
Bahan frosting:
100 gr cream cheese
40 gr gula halus
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
3 sdm susu cair
1. Masukkan semua bahan untuk adonan ke dalam mixer, aduk dengan kecepatan sedang hingga kalis
2. Pindahkan adonan ke atas permukaan talenan yang sudah dilumuri dengan minyak
3. Tutup adonan dengan mangkuk, diamkan selama 20-30 menit
4. Kempeskan adonan, pipihkan menggunakan rolling pin dengan ketebalan ½ cm
5. Buat filling. Campurkan mentega, maizena, garam, dan bubuk kayu manis, aduk rata
6. Olesi permukaan adonan dengan campuran mentega, lalu taburi dengan brown sugar hingga rata
7. Gulung adonan, lalu potong-potong menjadi 12 bagian sama besar
8. Susun di atas loyang yang sudah dilumuri mentega. Tutupi dengan lap bersih dan diamkan hingga adonan mengembang 30-50% kurang lebih 15-20 menit
9. Panaskan oven 180°C. Setelah mengembang, panggang selama 20-25 menit
10. Buat frosting. Campurkan cream cheese, gula halus, ekstrak vanila, dan susu cair. Aduk rata lalu masukkan ke dalam piping bag
11. Keluarkan cinnamon roll dari loyang, dinginkan di atas cooling rack agar tekstur tetap krispi
12. Beri frosting di atasnya, Cinnamon Roll siap disajikan
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100% Success! Soft Inside and Out Cinnamon Roll Recipe [Cream Cheese, Hand Knead OK]
Cinnamon Roll is a classic American pastry that's very popular. The strong scent of cinnamon is the characteristic of this dish. The soft bread combined with the sugar filling and cream cheese frosting make Cinnamon Roll even more flavorful. It's great to snack on with coffee or tea.
Cinnamon Roll Recipe (12 pcs)
Dough ingredients:
250 g medium-protein flour
100 g high-protein flour
30 g sugar
30 g brown sugar
3 g salt
50 g melted butter
7 g yeast
180 ml milk
1 pc egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
Filling ingredients:
75 g butter
125 g brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp salt
Frosting ingredients:
100 g cream cheese
40 g icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp milk
1. Combine all the dough ingredients into a bowl and mix with a mixer under medium speed until it becomes elastic.
2. Move the dough to an oiled work surface.
3. Cover the dough with a bowl and let it rest for 20-30 minutes.
4. Press the dough to remove the air bubbles. Flatten with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1/2 cm.
5. To make the filling, combine butter, cornstarch, salt, and cinnamon powder. Mix well.
6. Spread the butter filling on the dough and sprinkle evenly with the brown sugar.
7. Roll the dough. Divide into 12 even pieces.
8. Arrange the dough in a buttered pan. Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest to rise up to 30-50% its size for about 15-20 minutes.
9. Heat the oven to 180°C. Once the dough has risen, bake it for 20-25 minutes.
10. To make the frosting, combine the cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla extract, and milk. Mix well and transfer to a piping bag.
11. Remove the Cinnamon Rolls from the pan and let it cool on a cooling rack to maintain the crispy texture.
12. Pour the frosting on top. Cinnamon Rolls are ready to serve.
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