10,000 Tons Over Donner Pass PART 1: Reno, Nevada to Roseville, California | Run 8 Train Simulator
Today I’m driving a loaded unit coal train on Run 8’s Southern Pacific / Union Pacific Roseville subdivision DLC. The trip begins Westbound at Hafed siding approaching Reno, Nevada and Union Pacific Sparks Yard. In Part One, I will go as far as East Norden at Milepost 192.5. Stay tuned for Part Two!
Train Specs:
Length: 4,013 ft
HP/Ton: 1.8
Trailing Tons: 10,010
Total Units: 74
Loads: 70
Symbol: CSVLR
Run 8 Train Simulator
00:00 Hafed Siding
11:12 East Sparks
19:44 Reno Amtrak Station
21:55 West Reno
57:55 Floriston
1:01:23 East Hinton
1:10:21 East Truckee
1:13:22 Truckee, CA
1:15:09 Truckee Amtrak Station
1:32:54 First Hill Stop/Start
1:38:52 Tunnel 42
1:41:52 Shed 47
1:46:11 Second Hill Stop/Start - Eder
1:51:35 Tunnel 41