#澳門 #美食 #旅遊
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/peMoojCKZqacNxHo7
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/e3/9VYK
餐廳消費:豬扒牛角包 $48,葡國辣魚多 $40,凍奶茶 $23,凍咖啡 $23,榴槤雪糕 $70,牛雜+魚蛋 $65,抹茶雪糕 $43
澳門葡萄牙語:Macau;縮寫:MAC),全稱澳門特別行政區葡萄牙語:Região Administrativa Especial de Macau;縮寫:RAEM),古稱“龍涯門”、“濠鏡澳”、“濠江”、“海鏡”、“龍涯門”、“濠鏡澳大利亞”、“濠江”、“是中華人民共和國兩個特別行政區之一,也是中國面積最小的一級行政單位。澳門位於南海北岸、珠江口西側,北接廣東省珠海市,東面與鄰近的香港相距63公里,其餘兩面與南海鄰接,是粵港澳大灣區的中心城市之一。
澳門自從秦始皇三徵嶺南後屬秦朝版圖,從明中葉的1557年開始租借給葡萄牙王國,但明朝設置官府管理。直到1849年葡萄牙停止向清朝交地租並佔領關閘;1887年,葡萄牙與清政府簽訂有效期為40年的《中葡和好通商條約》(至1928年期滿失效)後,澳門成為葡萄牙殖民地。第二次世界大戰期間葡屬澳門保持中立,免受戰火波及。 1980年代,葡萄牙與中華人民共和國探討澳門前途,其後於1987年簽署《中葡聯合聲明》,葡萄牙根據聲明於1999年12月20日移交澳門政權予中國,實行一國兩制,「澳人治澳、高度自治」。
Macau Portuguese: Macau; abbreviation: MAC), full name: Região Administrativa Especial de Macau; It is the smallest first-class administrative unit in China. Located on the north shore of the South China Sea, on the west side of the mouth of the Pearl River, Macau is bordered by Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province to the north, 63 kilometers from neighboring Hong Kong to the east, and the South China Sea on the other two sides.
Macau consists of four areas: Macau Peninsula, Taipa, Cotai and Rowan. In addition Macao and Guangdong Province jointly manage Hengqin Island and are authorized to apply Macao law in some areas (ports and universities).
Macau has been under the territory of the Qin Dynasty since Qin Shihuang's three campaigns against Lingnan. Macau was leased to the Kingdom of Portugal from the middle of the Ming Dynasty in 1557, but the Ming Dynasty established government management. It was not until 1849 that Portugal stopped paying land rent to the Qing Dynasty and occupied Guan Gate; During World War II, Portuguese Macau remained neutral and protected from the flames of war. In the 1980s, Portugal and the People's Republic of China explored the future of Macau, and subsequently signed the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration in 1987. According to the statement, Portugal transferred the Macau regime to China on December 20, 1999.
As an independent economy, Macau is the only region within the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China that is legally permitted to operate casinos. Macau has the highest population density in the world, with a population of more than 20,000 people per square kilometer.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:17 抵達澳門 /比想像中快/發財巴排隊
04:17 上葡京/一落車就是娛樂場/步行前往輕軌站
09:27 東亞運站/抵達官也街
14:43 大利來記豬扒包/讀餐牌時間/豬扒牛角包/葡萄牙辣魚多/凍奶茶/冷凍咖啡
17:06 澳門必到官也街/遊客最愛
22:24 榴槤雪糕/牛雜+魚蛋/抹茶雪糕
37:45 益隆炮竹廠舊址/龍環葡韻
47:09 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #澳門 #美食 #旅遊 #官也街 #排隊王 #豬扒包 #攻略 #牛雜 #葡撻 #街頭小吃 #macao #food tourism #chinese food tour #澳門 官也街 #豬扒包 澳門 #澳門 葡撻 #牛雜 香港 #china tourist #china tourism #vlog study #vlog travel