Hello and welcome, my friends. Thank you so much for popping by to spend some time here with me.
I am very excited to be taking part in @RachandBellaCrafts 100 days of Junk Journaling challenge which is currently running.
Today we are going to make a project with pockets & tucks. I am using RachandBella's New kit called Billet Doux which is available from her website. I will also use a few of my own bits and pieces.
You can find everything you need to know on RachandBella's website, including the collab's schedule and kits. Just follow the link:
My new kit details are below. If you have any questions please contact me via my website's contact page.
Here is the the link to my Website shop: You can find all my NEW kits in the NEW This Month tab at
US Letter sized - Marvellous Mice DIGITAL Journal & Add on Ephemera Kit: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/digital-a4-a-vintage-notebook-tn-journal-collection-6xgnj-npg6r
A4 sized - Marvellous Mice DIGITAL Journal & Add on Ephemera Kit: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/digital-a4-a-vintage-notebook-tn-journal-collection-6xgnj
DIGITAL Marvellous Mice Background Pages: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/a4-letter-sized-lacey-background-pages-wnt2z-n33pr
PRINTED KIT: Marvellous Mice Journal Collection Kit: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/printed-kit-new-floral-folly-travellers-notebook-kit-9c4ze-wdmzx
PRINTED KIT: 42 pg Marvellous Mice Background Pages https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/28-printed-sheets-lacey-sheets-vintage-collage-and-cream-lace-sheets-5ns4s
Ultimate Bundle - Marvellous Mice: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/the-ultimate-spring-splendor-bundle-7bh7n-h6lx9-srxg5-6xyjc
Marvellous Mice Flower Bundle: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/flowers-paper-hydrangeas-various-colours-7hfet-gaggb
Marvellous Mice Ribbon Bundle: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/ribbon-bundle-spring-splendor-9e858-jzbl6-x5hra-3rwkt-rxeb2-hxny9
Marvellous Mice Lace Bundle: https://www.angelakerrdesigns.com/shop/p/lace-bundle-spring-splendor-gwmgf-yy8wk-kj5y2-x2e5x
For all my favourite tools: Including all I have used in today's project can be found on my Amazon Favourites lists below.
My Amazon Favourite Crafting tools list UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/angelakerr
My Amazon Favourite Crafting tools list USA: https://www.amazon.com/shop/angelakerr
My Amazon Favourites Crafting Tools List Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/shop/angelakerr
These are some of my favourite tools, that I use on a regular basis while crafting.
As an Amazon Associate I do earn a small commission on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.
You can find me on: (links on my Youtube main page!)
Instagram at: Angela Kerr Designs or https://www.instagram.com/Angelakerrdesigns/
Pinterest: Angela K. https://pin.it/%2BTh0V1q
My email which is: Angelakerr2468@gmail.com
My Facebook Group: Fans of Angela Kerr Designs
Have fun crafting!! 🤗
Angela x
Thank you so much for watching
#junkjournaling #junkjournaling #papercrafting #journaling #angelakerrdesigns #crafting #digitalart #gardening #craftingwithpaper