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10万元级纯电车测评!100,000 yuan pure electric cars evaluation!

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本期《易车横评》在元旦后春节前的北京做了一场新能源冬测,参与车型为5款10万级纯电代步车中的热门选手,分别是比亚迪海豚405公里续航版、大众ID.3、广汽AION Y 70系列、欧拉好猫500公里长续航版本和比亚迪秦PLUS EV 500公里版本。在零度的北京,五款新能车分别做了城市和高速两种工况的续航实测,谁的成绩会“打骨折”呢?根据新能源用户冬季不舍得开暖风这个痛点,节目组还特意做了空调升温和车厢保温能力测试,谁会温度不达标呢?另外根据电动车中高速加速缓慢的特点,分别做了50-80公里/小时和80-120公里/小时共两组中途再加速能力测试,谁会是超车困难户呢?大把干货内容,看就完了! In this issue, we conducted a new energy winter test was conducted in Beijing before the Spring Festival after New Year's Day. Volkswagen ID.3, GAC AION Y 70 series, ORA Haomao 500km long battery life version and BYD Qin PLUS EV 500km version. In zero-degree Beijing, five new energy vehicles have been tested in urban and high-speed operating conditions respectively. Whose performance will be "broken"? According to the pain point that new energy users are reluctant to turn on the heater in winter, the program team also specially tested the air conditioning heating and the cabin insulation ability. Who will not meet the temperature standard? In addition, according to the characteristics of slow acceleration at high speed in electric vehicles, two groups of 50-80 km/h and 80-120 km/h re-acceleration capability tests were conducted. Who would be difficult to overtake? A lot of dry goods, just read it!
