नीति आयोग | 10th anniversary of NITI Ayog | polity | current affairs | 70th bpsc mains | 2025 (@EvokeIAS)
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70th BPSC MAINS GS PAPER 1 ( POLITY)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjCxFHJKHSc&list=PLPg6yIrPS_kRHXzvxZ4GgrL679ZvWAvfL&pp=gAQBiAQB
70 BPSC MAINS ESSAY PAPER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaMe4Ho5Msk&list=PLPg6yIrPS_kSL6BuP-1e-ItTVksEUQVhX&pp=gAQBiAQB
BPSC MAINS CLASSES ( gs 1 & 2 ) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kQI6RMApfKFb1Zm_oT57t4g&si=f2dJcYPO0RwDN_jj
Essay classes- https://youtube.com/playlist?70th bpsc
Monthly current affairs 2024 - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kQ9XiYoBHg5TlZF3CnoJaLJ&si=sMD4U9K9KTZvOu66
Complete Bihar modern history - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kTUXgh0_KibkyFSY2hQfzTB&si=0gvgSVG_koqkXjnn
Complete Bihar geography - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kTWe9vPxPbxMUND_N35JFz5&si=E6D5oVMyQ0P3SHiJ
Complete indian geography - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kSh_srTdeQcwZfFMmkxnGv3&si=K4aVFvBOUPKgFMye
Complete indian economy - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kT0ZPF2C6vId0fgZOQ0fHn7&si=KYN8kCRQIZ-PBA6Y
Complete chemistry -https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kTXNW5-irCF07s6gCTcoT3_&si=SYpXfgYJIL4pqADO
Complete biology - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kRTdEuPdMQ9uq_TeTqwo5yk&si=BqtyThC3Do0Vvazw
Complete physics - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPg6yIrPS_kSb9O-lJlgJbnhzhj5gq8Jh&si=KLx8748lS0KwG8B5
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NITI Aayog : Composition, Objectives, Initiatives, Limitations
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10 years of Niti Aayog
10th Anniversary of the Commission
10 Years of NITI Aayog
About NITI Aayog
Structure of NITI Aayog
Objective of NITI Aayog
Importance of NITI Aayog
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