Evidence-based: https://www.healthnormal.com/magnesium-deficiency-symptoms/
Magnesium deficiency is a widespread nutrient deficiency in the United States, with up to 80 percent of the population potentially affected. As a mineral engaged in over 300 bodily processes, the National Institutes of Health recommends that adults intake 420 milligrams of magnesium daily, either through food sources or supplements. However, a recent study suggests that two-thirds of Americans may not be meeting these dietary requirements.
Particularly those who regularly consume processed foods or neglect nutrient-rich whole grains and leafy greens are at a higher risk. Various factors can lead to magnesium deficiency, including stress, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, certain medications such as diuretics, or even excessive intake of caffeine or sugar.
This video aims to help you identify potential magnesium deficiency signs and symptoms, ensuring you are better equipped to maintain optimal health.
HealthNormal: https://www.healthnormal.com
Intro - 00:00
1. Sleeping problems - 01:14
2. Muscle spasms and cramps - 02:25
3. Feeling tired constantly - 03:12
4. Frequent migraines - 04:02
5. Twitching eyelids - 04:48
6. Osteoporosis - 05:47
7. A decline in mental health - 06:51
8. Hardening of the arteries - 07:28
9. Blood sugar spikes - 08:30
10. High blood pressure - 09:10
11. Asthma - 09:45
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Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
Magnesium Deficiency Signs
Low Magnesium Signs
Low Magnesium Symptoms