🥵 11 Hardest HOYAS | How to keep them alive? | Care tips | Growth update | Sensitivity | Watering
These are the most challenging Hoyas I have experienced in the past 1-2 years. Also sharing some lesson learnt for you to avoid. Lemme know if you have any tips keeping them!
00:00 Intro
00:45 11 Hardest Hoyas: Challenges and care tips
02:16 Difficulty criteria
02:44 Hoya yvesrocheri
06:51 Hoya ignorata
10:42 Hoya nyhuusiae
13:27 Hoya linavergarae pink (true)
16:17 Hoya inflata
20:15 Hoya stenophylla NS11-189
24:25 Hoya acicularis
28:00 Hoya acicularis (mutate)
32:45 Hoya surisana
38:44 Hoya spartioides
41:56 Hoya sp. Sidikalang
46:49 Outro
#hoyaplant #difficulthoya #challenge