This is a basic tutorial on PIN Diodes, with some examples of how they are used in RF switch applications. I previously published a video that introduced the topic of how diodes can be used as switches:
This video takes this a step further, discussing the unique characteristics of PIN diodes and how these characteristics are used for switching large RF signals. The unique ability to have the resistance of the diode be adjusted by changing the bias current can be used for other applications such as variable attenuators, modulators, phase shifters, etc.
In the video I state that PIN diodes aren't suitable for fast switches. What I should have said is that PIN diodes aren't suitable in applications that require fast turn-off characteristics when reversed biased - such as rectifier, detector or mixer applications. PIN diodes do make excellent fast (relatively speaking) RF switches.
Here's a followup video showing some 3rd order IMD measurements vs. bias:
The Yaesu FT-7800 Repair Log videos that inspired this tutorial:
Part 1:
Part 2:
A copy of the notes in this video can be found here: