Hi, please leave suggestions on what other reaction videos you'd like to see. All of this is semi based off reality, but this is NOT meant to be taken as fact or news. MAKE SURE TO WATCH IN 1080p!
— Takes place prior to the Election of 2024.
— I am NOT romanticizing American politics or justifying any problematic actions they could’ve done. This is all for FUN and should only be watched for entertainment and nothing else.
FEATURED PEOPLE: Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Joe Biden
— 🎀 Mentioned: none (?)
SHIPS: Implied Triden, Trelon, (and I suppose if you squint REALLY hard Joe Biden x Kamala and Kamala x Trump but it isn’t written down and is left up to interpretation).
INSPIRATIONS: @Yand2dere • https://youtu.be/ekQMne1C_vQ?si=M2OCgBx2cl1k_X1P