I feel like Indonesian Anthuriums never get the time of day from the plant community but all of that is changing -- I can feel it in my bones 😀
This is just a shorty little video that showcases 12 Indonesian specials to keep your eye on and possibly add to your ever growing wishlist. There are at least 2 that I'll always feel a gaping hole in my collection until I own them 👀
ALSO! Friday June 16th at 3:00pm PST @unplantparenthood and I will be joining Lauren for a live sale over at @northshoretropicals's IG: https://www.instagram.com/northshoretropicals
Hope to see you there!
Erick / Kartel Daun: https://www.instagram.com/karteldaun
Hendry / Space Hijau: https://www.instagram.com/spacehijau
Lauren / @northshoretropicals: https://www.instagram.com/northshoretropicals
Mother Life PlantSpectrum light: https://www.mother.life/en/products/plantspectrum
💡 Use my coupon code ALICE (all caps) for $10USD off!
Make sure you visit this link first to validate the code: https://www.mother.life/en/shop/privilege
Barrina T5 4ft yellow (CANADA): https://amzn.to/3OlKgVO
Barrina T5 4ft yellow (USA): https://amzn.to/3EpnYOA
Instagram: @youdontevengrowhere https://bit.ly/3sR2K7Y
Shop my favourite plant products (affiliate links): https://amzn.to/32Sb4cC
Music courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com