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12 Bolt Action Battle Report: Beginners game, Normandy. German Grenadiers vs US Army

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With a new player to Bolt Action and the group we set about playing an introduction game. George has a newly acquired and painted Perry Miniatures US Army to take on my very first Bolt Action army, my German Grenadiers in a stunning battle to take the cross roads in a small french village in Normandy. The battle board is 6x4ft using the Deep Cut Studios grass mat, an abundance of scenery from buildings and ruins through to hedges and fence lines. This report covers some of the dynamics of the game, being George’s first battle we talk through some of the elements of the game… but who will win, watch and see! Miniatures are from both Warlord Games and Perry Miniatures at 28mm, with a mix of both plastic and metal. Help support the channel and use the link below for any Warlord Games products: Please like, share, comment and subscribe to let us know you like the content and to keep is producing these videos… but also let us know what else you want to see… Chain of command, Sharp Practice, Never mind the Bill Hooks, Black Powder or even MeSBG! Help us grow the community and produce better battle reports. Thanks for watching. The Ministry #warlordgames #boltaction If you wish to support us and help us continue creating great content and build the channel, please visit and support us on Patreon: Https:// Or you could buy us a coffee as a thank you! Https://
