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0:00 精彩片段 Trailer
0:25 粉漿蛋餅 Egg Pancake
5:28 一口小肉圓 One Bite Meat Balls
7:59 印尼月亮餅 Indonesia Moon Pancake
12:16 三郎便當 Shang-Lang Lunchboxes
33:52 紅色炸彈 Fried Egg Scallion Pancake
35:46 鹹酥雞車輪餅 Fried Chicken Wheel Cakes
38:01 蔡金來地瓜球 Fried Yam Balls
39:19 韭菜盒 Leek Boxes
40:40 御冠園鮮肉湯包 Soup Buns
42:36 甘草芭樂 Licorice Root Powder Guavas
44:13 烤布蕾 Searing Creme Brulee
44:53 馬鈴薯煎餅 Potato Pancake
If you come to visit Taiwan, you must spend one day to try the delicious food in Taoyuan! In the morning, you can try the soft egg pancake. It's also the traditional breakfast in Taiwan! One Bite Meat Balls is really healing. It's also like the Tangyuan! They tasted tender chewy and irresistible! Indonesia Moon Pancake is really special, it's seldom shows up for the street food! In the lunchtime, you must try the famous lunchboxes shop at Zhong-Li. They offered lots of dishes to choose!When it comes to night time, you can go to shop at Zhong-Yuan night market. There are full of delicious food such as Fried Egg Scallion Pancake, Leek Boxes,Soup Buns etc... Let's try the delicious food with us in Taoyuan!
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