This video shows how to build a cockroft-walton type voltage multiplier using a flyback transformer as a first stage driven by a ZVS driver with a 12V input. This circuit outputs 120,000 volts DC and arcs from ~4" away. Within about 2 feet of the device, you can feel the ion wind, and your hair being pulled toward it by electrostatic induction.
I didn't use any current limiting resistors, so the discharges are very dramatic but also extremely hard on the capacitors in the multiplier. After about 4-5 seconds of continuous discharge, there's little to no output, and the device needs a minute or two to recover before it can be used again. My guess being that the caps are swelling under such a high load.
The flyback and ZVS driver are both homemade. The circuit for the ZVS driver is explained in more detail in my video on induction heating :
Parts List:
-1nF / 20kV Capacitors:
-20 kV / 100 mA Diodes:
-Ferrite U-cores for flybacks:
-32 AWG magnet wire for secondary windings
-IRLZ44 MOSFETs with heatsinks for ZVS driver
-1N4148 Diodes for gate pull-downs
Serge Pavkin - Fractal
Serge Pavkin - Network
Serge Pavkin - Unknown