(1/2)5 Days Gourmet Trip to Hiroshima in Autumn/Local foods in Onomichi, Ikuchijima
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time stamp
00:00 preview
00:31 onomichi
01:06 exploring in onomichi
01:23 eating onomichi ramen
01:40 looking for a cafe
04:06 going to the ikuchijima
04:26 ferry to ikuchijima
04:47 arrival at ikuchijima
04:55 to the hotel
05:07 adults having fun like children
05:19 hiroshima style okonomiyaki
06:04 morning of 2nd day in ikuchijima
06:12 breakfast at a cafe
06:48 lemon ramen
07:10 cycling
07:18 gelato shop
07:39 organic lemon cafe
08:11 exploring of ikuchijima
08:37 dinner
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