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【公視 誰來晚餐13-4】陪你長大是最美好的事:台東池上的不收費課輔班|Guess Who: Accompanying You Grow Is a Beautiful Thing (Eng Sub)

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 127,830 3 years ago
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▪ 在台東池上,兩個年輕人打造了免學費又供餐的課輔班 ▪ 節儉到家裡只有兩個盤子的他們,理想究竟是什麼? 學社工的才榆,到花東參與到偏遠小學教書計畫,認識哲新。計畫結束後,兩人留在池上,自行成立課後陪伴據點,他們是彼此工作和生活上的夥伴。 「我們會強調,其實生活也是一種教育。但是在學校這個空間、體制裡面,好像就只有考試或是課本。」 課後陪伴據點的經營,暫時依靠親友和網友捐款;而才榆哲新一心為孩子付出,自己則過著能省則省的生活。 他們渴望付出的理想,看在家人眼中,卻是心情複雜。 才榆決定把不好說出口的話寫成信,交給爸媽... Three years ago, Che-hsin and Cai-yu met while taking part in TEACH FOR TAIWAN, which recruits motivated youngsters to teach at disadvantaged primary schools for two years. Che-hsin and Cai-yu fell in love with the east coast and were inspired to set up a free after-school tutoring program to create learning opportunities for children in rural areas. Despite financial straits and many hardships, Che-hsin and Cai-yu have no regrets and delight in accompanying the children grow. In this episode, we discover what quirky trait of Che-hsin drives Cai-yu crazy; why underlying reasons spurred the pair to fly the nest for the east coast; and how in the face of skeptical parents, a lack of funding, and long days, Che-and Cai-yu still threw caution to the wind and followed their heart. 🥦🥦🥕🥦🥦🥕🥦🥦🥕 🏠公視誰來晚餐 【陪你長大是最美好的事】 ▪ 9/3(五)21:00|公視 ▪ 誰來晚餐YouTube、facebook同步直播 ▪ 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣 🍲追蹤 誰來晚餐 fb: IG: #台灣家庭實境節目第一品牌 #誰來晚餐第13季 #誰來晚餐 #公視誰來晚餐 #公視 #公共電視
