One video, but TWO talking points.
1) Firewood bags and transport: Used "Black Betty" to deliver some of our #LogLift 1/3 cord firewood bags over to Pizza Paul's Fireworks on Hwy 309 in Dallas, PA. Paul has a nice BIG outdoor self serve firewood bin stand, and he loves using our bags for hassle free restocking. He grabs a bag, transports it out front to the stand with forks on his skidsteer, loads the bins directly from the bag, and puts the bag back into storage. No handling and re-handling of the pieces!
2) Trailer talk: throughout this video I show different trailers to give you an idea of what we offer and what the manufacturer can build. Each trailer is highly customizable to meet the individual customer's needs. We have you covered from bumper pull to gooseneck, from bunk to dump, and from big to small. It mostly comes down to budget and what you'll be using the trailer for.
- Sawyers like the bunk/skeleton frame to grab local logs and deliver the finished product.
- Tree service companies prefer the dump trailers for easy debris transport to the dump or woodyard.
- Firewood guys vary from bunk to dump, as I deliver bags on the non-dump flatbed, and yet others like to dump off the bulk wood.
- Then there's the southern storm chasers looking for the LARGE 45cy and bigger trailers for hurricane cleanup work like our "Big Bertha" trailer.
Yes, there's even price quotes in the video to give you an idea of costs. Again, the trailers are HIGHLY customizable, so the prices are a guide. Please note, the manufacturer's pricing is always subject to change and any new tariffs, taxes, and fees are not included. I do have a ballpark estimate for shipping to my location in Dallas, PA; but we can ship directly to you for an additional cost. Best thing to contact me and we'll figure it all out for ya!
As always, thanks for watching and PLEASE ask us for a quote. We don't get paid to do our videos. Our videos showcase what we sell and we'd love to sell directly to you!
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- Black Splitter -
- Brute Force USA -
- Halverson Wood Products -
- NNZ bulk bags -
- SplitForce - Vertical Wood Splitters