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【公視 誰來晚餐14-15】四寶媽的暑假作業:大人小孩貓咪昆蟲,台東長濱long stay的夏天| A Mother of Four’s Summer Vacation Mission

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 151,014 2 years ago
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邱鈺婷是積木和昆蟲老師,四個孩子的媽,大家叫她四寶媽。 五年來,她一個人帶著四個孩子環島,旅行天數超過兩百天。 這個夏天,孩子們將在台東長濱民宿long stay,從觀察昆蟲、學習採野菜、八卦網捕魚、擺攤賣冰淇淋,到洗衣、煮飯做家事,照顧貓咪,樣樣都要學著做。 全家的最佳後盾是孩子的爸宣諭,工作忙碌不能常請假,他的夢想,是能早日有時間,加入全家人的環島旅行! ∎ 身為媽媽,鈺婷認為,陪孩子用力玩,就是父母給孩子最珍貴的童年記憶。 ∎ 在深度旅行的暑假尾聲,又會是哪個神秘嘉賓上門,帶給這家的孩子們大大驚喜? 🥦🥦🥕🥦🥦🥕🥦🥦🥕 🏠公視 誰來晚餐14-15【四寶媽的暑假作業】 ◾️ 2/10(五)21:00|公視首播 ◾️ 誰來晚餐YT 同步直播 ◾️ 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣 Nowadays, kids spend their lives in the cyber world with a growing antipathy to the natural world. Angel is a mother of four fighting back against this trend. Thanks to her supportive, hard-working hubby Darren, she spends each summer touring Taiwan with her kids, guiding them to experience the joys of nature. Today, we meet Angel and her family as they prepare to spend a 2-month vacation fulfilling dreams, having fun, and learning ancient wisdom. Why does Angel place such value on children living a natural childhood? What does Angel's hubby Darren feel about Angel's gallivanting? How do their kids feel about living without a TV or electronic gadgets? Let’s find out!
