***14 years of pulmonary fibrosis***
👑 In 2010, Matt was given 3 to 5 years to live. He´s well passed his expiration date! As he puts it. ❤️
👑 "When you have a life-limiting illness, you focus and you prioritise what you do with your life", he says. ❤️
👑 Due to the illness, Matt had to apply significative changes in his life. However, he accepted everything with a smile in his face and a positive attitude, pouring gratitude all over, towards events and people around him. ❤️
👑 Matt decided to use his life to spread awareness about pulmonary fibrosis so patients with it have a better quality of life. He does that using art (a passion of his), voluntary work and travelling the world sharing his testimony and experience. ❤️
👑 When in front of a person with a health challenge, we can share our empathy with them, not our sympathy. And actively listen to them! ❤️
👑 If you wish to know more about pulmonary fibrosis, you can contact Matt directly at the email below or the following organissations:
Irish Lung Fibrosis Association: https://ilfa.ie/
ILFA's email: [email protected]
European Lung Association: https://europeanlung.org/en/
Swords Tidy Towns: https://swordstidytowns.com/
[email protected] ❤️
Royal College of Surgeons: https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/
#empoweredsupernova #pulmonaryfibrosis #ilfa #europeanlungassociation #art #passion #passionforlife #disease #lungs #mindset #gratitude #youarethehero #inspiration