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出門包遊覽車家族進香團!種田吃飯都在一起的神明代言人之家【#誰來晚餐 15-12】Guess Who: When We Unite Together (Eng Sub)

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 327,060 11 months ago
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果農邱竑凱出生在嘉義的大家庭,十年前回家接手爸爸的農地,希望減輕長輩負擔。 而共同打拼的老婆美卉,光用手就可以秤出瓜果斤兩。 竑凱也兼任太子和濟公的乩身,免費讓親朋好友問事。 「你當神明的代言人,你就會變很有錢?不可能。」 每個週末,竑凱只要白天忙完農事,傍晚時不時會起駕,而幫忙翻譯神明指示的「桌頭」,是三姐筱棻,站在神明桌邊,沉著冷靜,一字一語、不疾不徐地幫忙傳達資訊給問事的來者。還有一組在瞻前顧後的助手,是四姐蕓婷一家人。 這個跟神有緣的大家庭,有家人生日和逢年過節,都會在神桌前全家團聚。在每年農曆六月十八,邱家家神生辰,家族全員更會組成幾十人的進香團,浩浩蕩蕩,共同護送神尊回台南的廟裡進香! ► 這一大家子人,會邀請到誰一起來吃飯呢? 📍【當我們團在一起】|3/1 週五晚上9點 首播 📍 When We Unite Together At 42, Hung-kai originates from a traditional farming village surrounded by a lively extended family with regular family gatherings exceeding 20 members and big annual events involving family and friends necessitating a tour bus! A decade ago, Hung-kai embraced the grueling routine of the family farm, finding solace in proximity to his parents and the unwavering support of his wife, Lily. Gifted from a young age with the ability to sense spirits, Hung-kai also channels Taoist deities, fulfilling his divine calling. Today, we visit Hung-kai, Lily, and the family on their quest for balance amidst work, family, and faith. What wake-up call compelled Hung-kei back to the family farm? How does the family feel about Hung-kai's otherworldly vocation? What's the key that reinforces the family's unbreakable bond? Let's find out!  ►►推薦收看 ►►  ▮ 公視 誰來晚餐 ▮  -想成為晚餐受訪家庭?歡迎私訊fb&IG【誰來晚餐】報名 |Facebook: |Instagram:
