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跟家人一起工作好難?二代接家業做醬油,父子婆媳相處都卡關⋯【#誰來晚餐 15-13】Guess Who: The Taste of Home: Soy Sauce Family (Eng Sub)

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 149,851 12 months ago
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宜哲與宜澂兩兄弟,出外後回到雲林老家釀醬油,他們想將祖傳的手工醬油推向新世代,但將半生心血投入醬油的父母來說,一切可不是說改就改, 爸爸:「你要靜心下來看一下,到底他的優缺點怎麼樣,你不能一下子否定掉。」 宜哲:「我很常講一件事,技術對我們來說都不困難,困難的真的是兩代之間的那種觀念上的落差。」 回鄉,要面對工作習慣的落差,還有對家庭角色不同的期待。賣醬油的辛苦過去,讓媽媽對媳婦有一些期待。 「你要想,你的另一半在做這個行業,你如果沒有去參與,你只是做自己的,這樣是不是很奇怪?」 爸爸幫孩子們留了房間,但孩子們選擇住在外頭,減少工作之餘的生活摩擦。子女返鄉卻反而離家,在父母眼裡,是否有點小失落? 爸:「不同年代,你說要在一起真的…心情會不好。」 宜哲:「我在跟家人相處的過程,應該教孩子愛,不是孝順。」 稍稍緊繃的親子氣氛,在小小孩們一出現後,爸媽馬上化身為寵孫阿公阿嬤。 ► 哪位來賓會來跟聊聊自己家的故事呢? 📍【家的味道比醬油還難釀】|3/8 週五晚上9點 首播 📍 The Taste of Home: A Brew Beyond Soy Sauce In theory, family businesses should intertwine the bonds of kinship with the pursuit of entrepreneurial success. In reality, however, taking over the reins while your parents still have a horse in the race can be a recipe for familial fisticuffs. After seven years of “theoretically” running their family’s artisanal soy sauce brewery, brothers Yi-che and Yi-cheng have realized there’s a formula for brewing soy sauce but not intergenerational communication. Today, we meet Yi-che, Yi-cheng, and their family as they try to navigate the tricky waters of harmony in the home while running a business. What were the hardships of growing up in a soy sauce brewery? Why did a mere change of SOP trigger a father-son battle? Everyone says it is tough to work with family, but just how tough? Let’s find out!  ▮ 公視 誰來晚餐 ▮  -想成為晚餐受訪家庭?歡迎私訊fb&IG【誰來晚餐】報名 |Facebook: |Instagram:
