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熱愛動物,卻得頻頻面臨生命垂危與離去...|台東野生動物醫院【#誰來晚餐 15-14】Guess Who: The Wildlife Guardians In Taiwan (Eng Sub)

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 82,776 12 months ago
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野灣是台東池上的一間非營利醫院,負責救援東部各種野生動物。 「黑熊二號需要做麻醉清創」 「我們把醫療車開上來!」 野灣的夥伴來自全台各地,這群人都有個特質 「我覺得大家喜歡動物,或是想走跟動物相關的,通常會: 『我不喜歡跟人相處,因爲很麻煩』」 野灣成員們為了理念而來,卸下工作身分,各自有什麼甘苦? 獸醫昀蓉熱愛動物,卻得頻頻面臨急救動物的生命垂危與離去;欣穎為了環境教育推廣離開台北老家,老家只剩哥哥一人照顧生病的媽媽。在這之中,院長宜倫默默關照所有夥伴,更成了熟知在地美食、裝修水電租屋資訊,時時招呼團隊聚餐的「里長」。 ►登門拜訪的來賓,也穿上工作服,化身動物照養員小幫手,餵白鼻心呷ㄋㄟㄋㄟ 「我僞裝完畢了,應該看不出是人類吧?」 📍【野生動物的守護者】 📍 The Wildlife Guardians Many people think being a vet is a dream job - you're surrounded by animals every day, it heals the soul, and you save precious lives, but with studies showing that 1 in 6 veterinarians have considered suicide, is a vet's life all it's cracked up to be? WildOne is a non-profit animal hospital in Eastern Taiwan specializing in rescuing wild animals. The young staff not only display medical expertise, deep empathy, and a profound connection with the animal kingdom but also share an unusual motivation that led them to dedicate their lives to wildlife rescue. In today's episode, we meet WildOne's wildlife warriors as they navigate the highs of healing and the lows of loss while striving to make a meaningful impact on the lives of their furry and feathery patients. What are the unique challenges of their calling? Why do they have to be cruel to be kind? How do they navigate the emotional rollercoaster of the daily dance between life and death? Let’s find out!  ►►推薦收看 ►► 動物X獸醫X動物救援 故事  ▮ 公視 誰來晚餐 ▮  -想成為晚餐受訪家庭?歡迎私訊fb&IG【誰來晚餐】報名 |Facebook: |Instagram:
