15 Things You Didn't Know About The One Percenter Motorcycle Clubs
What's true and what's false? The secrets and myths of One Percenter Motorcycle Clubs.
Here we talk about 1%er patch meanings
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#demonsrow #1er #sosetheghost
15 things you didn't know about the one percenter motorcycle clubs
0:00 15 Things You Didn't Know About The One Percenter Motorcycle Clubs
0:26 demons Row Theme
1:10 Sose The Ghost speaks
2:28 1%er was coined by the AMA
3:06 1%ers don't follow AMA rules
3:22 Never touch a 1%ers patch
3:40 1%ers only follow the rules of there MC
4:00 Don't bro me if you don't know me
4:16 1%ers ride Harley Davidsons
4:46 1%ers ride Indians and victory too
5:22 being in a outlaw motorcycle club doesn't mean you commit crimes
6:00 1%ers work jobs like everybody else
7:08 MCs do charities and fundraisers
8:23 niner Mongols mc
8:27 Only males in a one percent clubs
9:36 Women love Outlay bikers
9:44 1%er ol lady or property of
10:26 1%ers wear a diamond shaped patch
10:44 13 diamond patch
11:17 1%ers have to ride a lot
11:53 1%ers not owning motorcycles
12:33 1%er hierarchy
13:10 Getting into a 1%er club isn't easy
14:14 Getting out of a 1%er club is almost impossible
15:15 1%ers are the most popular Mcs
15:41 Hells Angels in movies
16:00 DMX ruff ryders
16:53 1%er mottos
17:47 one percenters love shock value