Here's everything I wish I knew when I started with photography.
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❤️ A Photographer's Guide To Video Workshop. Watch the first 3 lessons for free! :
👉 The kingfisher video:
❤️ My little printer:
00:00 Tip one
01:32 the joy of physical prints
02:10 a story about fear
02:50 settings advice
03:37 get the full use out of your camera
04:38 focus on what matters
05:57 the thing most beginners forget
07:27 this is a weird one...
08:15 let's get personal...
09:53 audit audit audit
11:14 shallow depth of field is over rated
12:10 there is no finish line (and that's amazing!)
#photographytips #photographyadvice
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▶︎ My Instagram is @emilymaylowrey :
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