在臺灣新北市板橋,有間行善面店,店主顏維勳,從小混幫派,15歲時因殺人入獄。出獄後,他生悔過之心,決定做“待用面計劃”,來店吃面的人可以預付一碗面錢,讓孤寡窮人來免費吃面。4年來,他已送出了4萬碗愛心面。#臺灣 #顏維勳 #行善面店
There is a charity noodle shop in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Yan Weixun is the owner. He passed his childhood and early adolescence as a gangster, and was sentenced to jail for murdering at 15. After he was released, out of repentance, he started a "Suspended Noodle" project. Those who come to the shop can purchase a bowl of noodle in advance to offer it to the poor for free. It's been 4 years, and he has given out 40 thousand bowls of love.