Randy Santel and @KatinaEatsKilos teamed up versus the 15lb viral "Frankenstein" Monster Burger Challenge at MonsterMash Burgers in Sevierville, Tennessee. After finishing up with moving the rest of my stuff up to our new house in Milwaukee, Wisconsin I took a week off to get settled in. Then, Katina and I flew to Knoxville, Tennessee to kick off a week-long food challenge trip around eastern Tennessee, Virginia, and New Jersey. I wanted to attempt a few restaurant eating challenges before starting my 9-month dietetic internship in Milwaukee. We each attempted 7 different food challenges during the trip. For initial food challenge #1, Katina and I headed down to Sevierville, Tennessee so we could team up and attempt the 15lb viral "Frankenstein" Monster Cheeseburger Challenge at MonsterMash Burgers which has gone viral a few different times in the past on Facebook. We had 1 hour to finish an 8lb monster-sized beef burger patty topped with 12 thick slices of cheese, over 1lb of bacon, over 1lb of hot dogs, and lots of healthy vegetables. There was 1lb of homemade chili which we got on the side, and there were a few condiments on the burger. The burger was served on a massive bun and we also had to finish a bowl of fries equal to around 4 regular-sized orders. We were trying to become the 12th team out of over 350 valiant attempts to win our $50 cheeseburger meal free plus sweet t-shirts and a team photo to be posted on MonsterMash Burgers' Wall of Fame!! BIG thanks to everyone with MonsterMash Burgers in Sevierville, Tennessee for the food and hospitality!! Thanks also to the amazing people who came up that warm August evening to watch and meet us!! I appreciate everyone in Sevierville, TN and all around Tennessee who watches & supports our efforts!! There are lots more delicious #foodchallenge videos upcoming!!
Can Randy Santel & Katina Eats Kilos defeat this 15lb Viral Frankenstein Team Burger Challenge??
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MonsterMash Burgers' 15lb Viral Frankenstein Team Burger Challenge in Sevierville, TN ($50):
- MonsterMash Burgers was open for a few years, serving the Sevierville, Tennessee area.
- This "Frankenstein" Monster Burger Challenge went viral a few different times on Facebook.
- There is a monster 8lb beef burger patty topped with ~1lb of hot dogs and ~1lb of bacon.
- There are lots of healthy vegetables including lettuce, red onions, tomatoes, and more.
- It is all served on a giant bun and you can get the 1lb of chili on the burger or on the side.
- The challenge includes a bowl of fries equal to around 4 regular-sized French fry orders.
- Brave teams of 2 people have 1 hour to finish the entire meal, including the chili and fries.
- Winning teams earn the $50 cheeseburger meal free plus sweet t-shirts and Wall of Fame.
- Over 350 teams had previously tried the challenge and only 11 teams had been able to win.
Check out and follow @KatinaEatsKilos via her social media:
Website: https://www.katinaeatskilos.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/KatinaEatsKilos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KatinaEatsKilos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KatinaEatsKilos
Her video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oMIn4YjXWs
This food challenge video was filmed on Sunday, August 1, 2021 (8/1/2021).
Check out our FoodChallenges.com YouTube Channel and How To Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/foodchallengesvideos
MERCH STORE: https://www.randysantel.com/store
MY WEBSITE: https://www.RandySantel.com
MY SCHEDULE: http://www.RandySantelSchedule.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RandySantel
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RandySantel
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/RandySantel
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CAMEO: https://www.cameo.com/randysantel
For Business Inquiries Only:
Atlas [at] RandySantel.com
Send stuff to Randy Santel and/or @KatinaEatsKilos
8011 Brooks Chapel Rd
PO Box #1052
Brentwood, TN 37027
Video edited and produced by Arthur Davis!!
Opening music by Chuki Beats
Challenge Music provided by Epidemic Sound
"Baby Release Me" by Of Men and Wolves
"Nothing But Mine" by Parellite
"The Escape Plan Activated" by Grant Newman
Outro Music by Golden Drums
"Funk Drum Loop 80 BMP"
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