This palette has a few different names, including the 'Airtight Watercolour Palette' from Mont Marte. It is an inexpensive well-style palette, so the paint is added directly to the wells, rather than needing watercolour pans or half-pans. This gives really great brush access. I fill the wells just in the deeper end to leave room for single colour washes within each well too.
I set this one up a number of years ago as a 'sketching palette' with a warm and a cool yellow, red and blue, along with a number of convenience greens and a lot of great earth colours. I find these are the colours I often use while sketching on location, whatever the subject - landscape, urban, people, flowers etc.
The brush is a Raphael 8404 size 4 sable. The paint is Daniel Smith. The colours are mentioned through the video. They are Buff Titanium, Hansa Yellow Medium, Quinacridone Gold, Transparent Pyrrol Orange (I use the older more red version but the new mid-orange version is also lovely), Quinacridone Rose, Ultramarine, Cerulean Chromium, Perylene Green, Undersea Green, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Goethite, Burnt Sienna, Indian Red, Raw Umber, Jane's Grey.