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花1600包下壹口被大水沖過的魚塘,看看裏面有些什麽貨 #三农 #三农 #户外 #抓鱼 #搞笑 #农村生活

小飛哥愛捕魚 6,378 4 weeks ago
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遠離城市的喧囂,奔赴溪流的懷抱。戶外抓魚的日子,是與大自然的深度擁抱。溪水潺潺,似在訴說著古老的故事,而魚兒則是故事裏最狡黠的角色。我們躬身其中,眼神如炬,不放過任何壹絲水波的異動。當指尖觸碰到滑溜溜的魚身,心跳瞬間加速,那是與野性的邂逅,是在山水間尋得的最質樸樂趣,這壹刻,時光仿佛凝固,只留下抓魚的歡暢與對自然的敬畏🎉🎉🎉🎉 Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, to the embrace of the stream. An outdoor fishing day is a deep embrace with nature. The brook gurgling, seems to be telling an ancient story, and the fish is the most cunning role in the story. We bow into it, eyes like torches, do not let go of any water wave of change. When the fingertip touches the slippery fish body, the heart rate accelerates instantly, it is the encounter with the wild, is the most simple pleasure found in the mountains and rivers. At this moment, time seems to be frozen, leaving only the joy of catching fish and the awe of nature 🎉🎉🎉🎉
